01janAll Day30junBALTIC : YOUTH : IMPACTDeveloping tools and training materials for social impact assessment and management


Rahvusvahelist projekti main objectives:

The main aim of the project is to improve the capacity, skills and know-how of youth organizations in the Baltics on topics related to social impact management (impact tracking, measurement, evaluation and communication). Additionally, with the project and its activities we will promote the importance and approaches of social impact management in youth organizations among policy makers and stakeholders in Baltic countries by creating practical, user-friendly impact management tools and policy recommendations and implementing non-formal education learning and experience sharing events for youth organizations.

The main activities:

With this project 2 social impact management learning events in Latvia and Estonia will take place, 4 practical, user-friendly social impact management publications will be released: a best practice compilation, a toolbox for impact assessment, communication guidelines and a set of policy recommendations. Additionally, 6 multiplier events in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania for various youth work related audiences will take place during the project.

Expected results:

It is expected that 155 youth workers (staff and volunteers) of youth organizations in the Baltics have improved their capacity, skills and know-how about social impact management through participating in transnational learning events and multiplier events of the project. It is expected that they feel confident and motivated to use the new skills and know-how in practice.

The aim is also to reach 40 youth policy and youth social entrepreneurship stakeholders, policy makers, decision makers and ecosystem enablers in the Baltics and have them gain insights and knowledge about impact management in youth organizations in the Baltics. The goal is that they will also participate in multiplier events and after the experience are more willing and motivated to use the knowledge, tools and policy recommendations to promote quality and efficiency of larger youth systems on a local, national and Baltic States level.

In addition, 300 youth workers (staff and volunteers) of youth organizations in Baltic States and 100 youth policy and youth social entrepreneurship stakeholders, policy makers, decision makers and ecosystem enablers in Baltic States have gained knowledge about and used the tools and publications created in the project and overall, 50 000 people have been reached and informed about the importance of the work of youth organizations as well as project activities, results and outcomes through project communication and dissemination of results activities.

Additional information:

Keep an eye on our webpage and social media to get updates on the latest project news.

Balti riikide noorteühenduste mõju haldamise vajadused ja väljakutsed


Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (KA205 – Strategic Partnerships for youth)

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