Impact management for youth organisations (and others) made easy!
You might have found yourself wondering whether, why, and how you should manage your organisation’s impact. Or, what even impact means. And having looked into it, found it to be
You might have found yourself wondering whether, why, and how you should manage your organisation’s impact. Or, what even impact means. And having looked into it, found it to be
Ajalehe Äripäev konkursi Edukas Eesti nominentide seas on arvamusartikkel, mis on inspireeritud meie tiimi kohtumistest Eesti suurettevõtetega. Need on toimunud viimase kahe kuu jooksul, et küsida tagasisidet ettevõtluskonkursil Ajujaht TOP30-sse
COVID-19 lockdown may be a great opportunity to develop your startup and get it to the global stage. As of now, there are even three competitions open, and their focuses