What Can We Do for You?
How can you create a positive domino effect in a complex situation? We can help you to plan, manage, measure and communicate the creation of positive social impact.
Our services include research, consultancy and training related to achieving and measuring impact related to human well-being and personal development. We also cover the related parts of the global frameworks like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI).
Our recent clients have included the British Council Estonia, the Responsible Business Forum Estonia, Telia Estonia, the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, the Estonian Education and Youth Board, the Good Deed Foundation and the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations. We´re also implementing two Erasmus+ projects to develop impact management tools with Latvian, Lithuanian and Turkish partners.
Besides conducting high-quality analytical work as a consultant, our CEO Jaan Aps has extensive experience in getting things done as a leader. For example, he was a co-founder and the CEO of the Estonian Social Enterprise Network in 2012-2019.
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#34 & #35: Milline on psühhedeelikumide roll vaimses tervises?
Viimastel aastatel on psühhedeelikumid hakanud vaikselt, kuid kindlalt leidma teed vaimse tervise raviprotsessides. “Mis mõttes?” podcasti teise hooaja kaks episoodi uurisidki, kuidas võiksid need ained
Analüüs: 12 põhjust, miks psühhedeelikumid vaimse tervise maailmas nii palju kõneainet pakuvad
Enamik teab kuulujutte, paljudel on kiusatus proovida, nii mõnelgi on kogemusi, aga rääkida julgevad vähesed… Mõista-mõista, mis see on? Vaimse tervise valdkonnas on õigeid vastuseid
#32 & #33: Kuidas ennetada seksuaalset väärkohtlemist läbi seksuaalhariduse?
Seksuaalse väärkohtlemise teema võib tunduda valus ja raske, kuid seda enam on sellest oluline selgelt ja avatult rääkida. Podcasti “Mis mõttes?” 32. ja 33. episoodis
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Based on the specific needs of every client and our diverse professional network, we form project-based teams for any large scale assignment.
As a boutique consultancy, we can give you more attention, energy and creativity than the big players in consultancy would ever be able to.